Story Prompt #86

Song prompt:

“Waterbound” by Dirk Powell

I went late one night
The moon and stars were shining bright
Storm come up and the trees come down
Tell you boys I was waterbound

Waterbound on a stranger’s shore
River rising to my door
Carried my home to the field below
Waterbound nowhere to go

Carved my name on an old barn wall
No one’d know I was there at all
Stables dry on a winter night
You turn your head you could see the light

Black cat crawling on an old box car
Rusty door and a falling star
Ain’t Got a dime in my rations sack
Waterbound and I can’t get back

It’s I’m gone and I won’t be back
Don’t believe me count my tracks
River’s long and the river’s wide
I’ll meet you boys on the other side

So say my name and don’t forget
Water still ain’t got me yet
Nothing but I’m bound to roam
Waterbound and I can’t get home

Some questions I wonder about whenever I hear this song is what does it mean to be “waterbound” and why can’t the speaker get home?

Creating a Fantasy Race

Hello Fiction Lovers!

This week I thought I’d share a post by one of my favorite websites, Fantasy-Faction. The post is about creating a fantasy race and it breaks doing so into five areas: physical characteristics, point of view, civilization, interaction, and purpose. I believe it does a good job to help create unique and fleshed out races which can be helpful if you want to have more than the standard races (humans, elves, dwarves, etc.) in your story. It can also be helpful if you want to think about the standard races in a new way. So I hope you all also find it interesting and beneficial.

Here’s a link to the post: Creating a Fantasy Race

Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to post your thoughts on this topic in the comments below. I hope you all have a great week!

Worst Villains

Hello Fiction Lovers!

First of all I’d like to apologize for posting late this week and I thought I’d share a fun, helpful video by one of my favorite vloggers, Jenna Moreci. In the video she’ll talk about her top 10 villain pet peeves and what makes them so terrible. To mention some of the villains that she talks about and that I definitely agree with her opinion about are: the cartoon villain, villain who doesn’t really do anything, chatty villain, femme fatale, and the bad guy who sucks at being the bad guy.

Here’s the link: 10 Worst Villain Pet Peeves

I hope you all enjoy the video and let me know if you have any questions!